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Prof. Dr. Pavel Bushman
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Prof. Dr. Pavel Bushman

Experience: 25 Years
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Cardiology & Cardiovascular Surgery
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Cardiology & Cardiovascular Surgery
Shortly About

Prof. Dr. Pavel Bushman??

Prof. Dr. Pavel Bushman is a distinguished cardiologist affiliated with the American Heart of Poland, associated with Uzdrowisko Ustron. With an impressive experience spanning over 25 years, Dr. Bushman specializes in post-operative therapies for patients, showcasing a profound commitment to cardiovascular health. His expertise encompasses a wide range of cardiovascular conditions, including coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, disorders of cardiac rhythm and conduction, vegetative-vascular dystonia, myocardial infarction, heart failure, thoracic aortic aneurysm, and various heart diseases. As a seasoned cardiologist and cardiac surgeon, Prof. Dr. Bushman performs a spectrum of procedures to address cardiovascular issues, ranging from ultrasounds and radiofrequency ablation to intricate interventions such as coronary artery bypass grafting, pacemaker installation, and coronary stenting. His comprehensive approach to cardiac care and dedication to the well-being of his patients solidify Prof. Dr. Pavel Bushman's position as a leading figure in the field of cardiology, contributing significantly to the advancement of cardiovascular medicine.
A Glimpse into Expertise
Prof. Dr. Pavel Bushman Expertise
Cardiology; Post-Operative Therapies; Coronary Heart Disease; Atherosclerosis; Hypertension; Disorders of Cardiac Rhythm and Conduction; Vegetative-Vascular Dystonia; Myocardial Infarction; Heart Failure; Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm; Heart Disease; Cardiac Catheterization; Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting; Arrhythmia; Ultrasound; Radiofrequency Ablation; Installing a Pacemaker; Coronary Stenting.
Common Queries
Frequenty Asked Questions
question 1
What is Prof. Dr. Pavel Bushman's primary specialty?
The main speciality of Dr. Yuri Kseniuk is Spine Surgery
question 2
Where does Prof. Dr. Pavel Bushman attend to his patients?
Dr. Yuri Kseniuk is practicing in Carolina Medical Center, Warsaw, taking patients for consultation & treatment
question 3
What experience does Prof. Dr. Pavel Bushman have?
Dr. Yuri Kseniuk has 20 years of experience in Spine Surgery
question 4
Is online consultation an option with Prof. Dr. Pavel Bushman?
Yes, Dr. Yuri Kseniuk provides online consultation to patients. For an online consultation, patients share their medical documents, pay consultation fee and proceed with a video consultation according to schedule
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24/7 Hours availability